Friday, April 18, 2008

Action Packed April!!!!

Wow, has it been just about a month since my last post? Yikes!!! Here's what's been going on in the life of LINY Cat.......

April sister went in to the hospital to be induced.................It was a looooong day!
April 3rd at 10:17p.m. , my niece Madison Meghan entered this world....all 7 pounds, 1 1/2 ounces and 19 1/4 inches of her......

April 7th....Patty and Maddy came home!

April 10th....I fell in love.....with Richard Marx!!!! The concert was awesome, music was fantastic and he did lots of his old 80s hits...I can't wait to buy his new album due out soon! We could've easily done without the opening band though!

April 18.....The hubby had been dropping hints all morning........duh me!!!!! Turns out, he got the full time Air National Guard job that he applied for last month!!! Woo hoooooo!!!!!