Monday, May 11, 2009

When We're Pissed Off at Men...........

Discussing the male anatomy in the Comments section......

1 comment:

Carolein said...

"Proper credit" given for each of your entries....LOL

Lisa: Penis

Carolein: LOL....Dick

Lisa: Shlong

Carolein: Heehee.....Meat Curtains...LOL

Lisa: Ummm excuse me we are on the MALE anatomy here....Keep up!

Carolein: Ok ok.....Johnson....LOL

Lisa: Ok...getting better....LOL....Bologna pony!

Carolein: EWWWWW! LMFAO! Ok, lame one--hot dog....LOL

Janine: So I keep getting notifications on ur little face off lmao u guys forgot COCK! Hahhahahahahha

Carolein: DAMNIT!!! We DID forget that one Li!!! Thanks Janine! And to keep it going.......dipstick......

Lisa: WE were not finished!! Cock was going to be my next one!!
..........One eye snake.

Carolein: Well YOU took so damn long to get back to me! LOL Cyclops!

Ok Janine---your turn!

Lisa: Purple headed warrior.

Carolein: Little love muscle, lol

Janine: Twinkie LOL u know u got a vivual

Lisa: Wiener.

Carolein: Devil Dog.............with the white cream in the middle, LMFAO!!!

Lisa: Hang out with your wang out.

Janine: Man meat...

Lisa: Pork sword.

Carolein: Pecker

Janine: Cocktail weiner

Carolein: Peter

Janine: Slinky

Lisa: Heat seeking moisture missle.

Carolein: Loaded gun

Carolein: Actually Lisa, that last one shoulda really come from you, lol.......

Lisa: Polly whacker.

Carolein: One-eyed straight guy, lol

Janine: Pinga...spanish for dick hahahha

Carolein: For older guys......Ol' Softy.........ROFLMFAO

Carolein: Little

Janine: Ewe ol' softy like mr softee the icecream hahhaha...snausage....not sausage LOL

Carolein: Pokie-man (Pokemon) lol

Janine: Hahahha. How bout poke his hontas? (Pocahontas) hahahha

Lisa: Pocket Rocket.